Christmas At Home

Advent is a time that is set aside to remember that we are a people who are expectantly waiting for Christ to come. You are invited to join us during this Advent Season as we anticipate and prepare our hearts for God to come and be with us in new and unexpected ways!

 Family Fun

Join us in the Family Connection area each Sunday for a special Christmas activity or take home activity.


November 27th: "Advent in a box"

December 4th: "Stuffing Stockings for Daybreak"

December 11th: "Christmas Cookie Decorating"

December 18th: "Birthday Party for Jesus"


Chili & Carols on the Lawn

December 4th | 6:00 PM

Join us for warm food, fellowship & carols around the Christmas tree.  Bring chairs or blankets and enjoy time with our church family.


Chancel Choir Lessons and Carols

Sunday, December 18th at 8:30 & 11:00 AM in the Historic Sanctuary

Outdoor Christmas Movie

Sunday, December 18th at 6:00 PM

"The Santa Clause" with Tim Allen


Christmas Eve Candlelight Services

Saturday, December 24th

Contemporary, 4 PM, The Commons

Traditional, 6 PM, Historic Sanctuary

Christmas Day Online Worship Service

Sunday, December 25th

We will have one worship service online on Christmas Day at 10:00 AM. 

Christmas Church-Wide Missions Project:

Help families as they navigate difficult times through this holiday season.  Donations can be made to Martha Bowman church with memo "Holiday Assistance."

New Year's Day Family Worship

Sunday, January 1st at 11:00 AM

We will have one family service in the Historic Sanctuary on New Year's Day.  Nursery provided during worship for children ages birth through 4 years old.  No iKids or Youth Sunday school and adult Sunday school optional.