Get Connected

So you've checked out Martha Bowman and you are wondering what's next. Let us help you out with your next steps...


Sunday morning corporate worship is vital in your growth and better understanding of Jesus and God's great love for you, but there's so much more. When we connect with each other on a smaller scale, in groups, in classes, in each other's homes, it takes the "bigness" of church and makes it relatable, personal, and genuine. It is our desire to help you find your small spot so that you can better understand and grow in the love and relationship of our Big God.

Here are two ways we recommend you do it. Pick one (or more) that best work for you:

1. Join one of our small groups

We have groups that meet in the evenings, during the day, over lunch, or even just monthly in-person and online! We would love to help you find a group that fits with your interest and time frame! Click here to see a listing of our groups.

2. Serve

What better way to meet new and like-minded people that to serve alongside them? Whether it's volunteering in our church or serving in our community, Martha Bowman has a wide variety of volunteer and mission opportunities. 

We serve a BIG God and His love and plan for us and our community is alive and real! 

To ask any questions you may have or to learn more, contact us at or 478-477-1901