Lent is often associated with "giving up" something - a type of food, maybe a certain beverage, or even chocolate! What if this Lenten season, we focus hard on the "giving" part? Below are some tangible ways you can help out those around Macon with food insecurities, so they may find themselves loved and welcomed around the table.
- Help serve a meal at Brookdale Resource Center. Sign up to serve the evening meal from 4:30pm - 6pm. For details & sign up: https://www.unitedwaycg.org/brookdale
- Donate food items to the Centenary Community Food Pantry located behind Centenary UMC. With a provided fridge and dry pantry storage, you can bring cold or dry items. Suggested items: pop top canned meat or pasta, packaged tuna or chicken salad, individual containers of soup or casseroles. Address: 1235 Ash St. Macon, 31201. For a list of food ideas, labeling instructions, and other helpful info, click HERE.
- Donate food items to Daybreak of Macon. Daybreak serves breakfast, coffee and snack-meals daily. Items such as individual wrapped granola bars, cookies, chips and especially pop-top fruit cups are favorites. Drop off at Martha Bowman main entrance.
- Consider preparing (maybe with your Sunday school class) a hot meal for the 17 men from Crossroads Recovery who are recovering from addiction. Hot meals, weekend BBQ’s, and home-cooked desserts are all blessings to this house full of men working to heal and be more like Jesus daily. Contact ehammock@marthabowman.org for scheduling and details.
- Would you consider packing 25-30 weekend food bags for the Backpack Ministry? This vibrant ministry out of Forrest Hills UMC provides weekend snack items to over 2000+ children throughout Bibb County school systems. Contact Brenda Lambert to sign up: 478-474-2348
- Would you help sponsor a spring break meal box for a student in the Mentors Project. $30 would provide milk, cold meat, bread, cheese and other staples to help get through the week away from school for one of these families. Make checks payable to Martha Bowman with "Mentors Project Spring Break" in the memo.
As we continue to learn and grow from the way Jesus met people around the table, accept the challenge to broaden your scope of understanding how Jesus is calling us to serve, love and join in with our neighbors around the table.