Pack a shoebox

Packing a shoebox is an easy way to love children in need as well as share the love of Jesus.  Samaritans Purse distributes shoeboxes to children across the globe and follows up each box with "The Greatest Journey", a discipleship plan that shares the love and hope of Jesus Christ.  

Grab a shoebox and all the supplies (packing list, labels, etc.) from the Family Connection Corner at Martha Bowman.  *Remember, all boxes need $10 to cover shipping.  Include this in the box or click picture to be redirected to website to pay online.*

Pack a shoebox online

We get it, you may not have time to pack a shoebox but you want to participate.  They have made it easy for you.  Click the "Build a shoebox" picture to be redirected to "Pack a box online".  For $25 you can pick out specific items for a shoebox and it will be sent to a child in need.

national collection week drop off location

Martha Bowman is a Drop-Off location in Middle Georgia.  During the week of November 14th - 21st, drop off your boxes during our scheduled drop off times.

Monday, November 14th: 4pm - 6pm

Tuesday, November 15th: 4pm - 6pm

Wednesday, November 16th: 9am - noon

Thursday, November 17th: 9am - 12pm

Friday, November 18th: 9am - 11am

Saturday, November 19th: 9am - 11am

Sunday, November 20th: 1pm - 4pm

Monday, November 21st: 9am - 11am