Stewardship 2024

September 27, 2023

Dear Martha Bowman UMC Family and Friends,    


This year has been a year full of celebrations and hardship. We have celebrated individuals coming to faith in Christ, being baptized, joining Martha Bowman and finding connection and community through worship, fellowship, and service. Families have been strengthened and persons of all ages are growing in faith and love. We have celebrated together in weddings, anniversaries, baptisms and we have rejoiced in numerous accomplishments, awards, and various recognitions of all sorts. We have wept together as we witnessed loved ones passing from this life to the next and have celebrated as they have entered into glory and the blessed hope of life everlasting.  The difficultly and hardship experienced by our church surrounding the disaffiliation vote back in February has sharpened our resolve to be a church that honors God and His Word as well as continuing to live as Christ would have us live.

As we finish this year and enter into 2024, we are grateful and optimistic.  We are grateful for the Lord’s presence and guidance and are optimistic that we will continue to see His hand of blessing as we faithfully follow His Spirit.

We invite you to prayerfully consider what your estimate of giving to the Lord through the ministries of Martha Bowman might be for this upcoming year. Below is an electronic pledge card that will allow you to indicate this amount.

Grateful to be in service and ministry together!

Yours in Him,


Richard Collinsworth, Finance Committee Chairman                         Reverend Mark Magoni, Senior Pastor

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